Sala de reuniões do DPF Centro de Ciências Exatas (CCE) Sala limpa Espectroscopia RAMAN


Departamento de Física
Centro de Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas
Av. P. H. Rofls, s/nº
Campus Universitário
36570.900 – Viçosa – MG – BRASIL
Tel.: +55 (31) 3612-6250/6251
Fax.: +55 (31) 3612-6250

Horário de atendimento
De 8h às 12h e de 14h às 18h


Seminário EXTRA da Pós – dia 15/04/24

“Unraveling the Mysteries: Exploring a Second-Order Phase Transition in Chaotic Systems”

Edson Denis Leonel – Departamento de Física – UNESP, Rio Claro.

DATA: 15/04/2024 (segunda-feira).
LOCAL: Auditório do CCE.

This presentation delves into a significant phase transition from regularity to mixed behavior observed in a nonlinear dynamical system. I tackle this complex phenomenon by addressing a set of four fundamental questions – (1) Identification of an Order Parameter: I explore the identification of a key order parameter that delineates the transition from regular to mixed behavior within the system; (2) Discussion on Elementary Excitations: I delve into a detailed discussion on the elementary excitations within the system, shedding light on their role in the observed phase transition; (3) Characterization of Symmetry Breaking: I examine the process of symmetry breaking that occurs as the system undergoes the transition, offering insights into the mechanisms driving this transformative phenomenon; (4) Localization of Topological Defects: I analyze the localization of topological defects within the system, elucidating their significance in understanding the nature of the phase transition. This investigation focuses on a two-dimensional nonlinear mapping that preserves the area of the phase space. However, the methodologies and insights garnered from this study hold the potential for extension to a wide array of other dynamical systems.

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